Bem vindo à página oficial da ZENITH BRASIL, aeronaves em kit. Informações online e recursos sobre aeronaves experimentais. Liberte sua imaginação sobre aeronaves que você mesmo pode construir em sua casa, o famoso "HomeBuild Kit" para pilotos esportistas.

AVBRAS - Preços STOL CH 750

Tabela de Preços - STOL CH 750

Material 100% original de fábrica, postos em Sorocaba – SP.
Para consultar os preços clique aqui e preencha o formulário de contato.

STOL CH 750 - COMPLETE KIT: Airframe Kit + Finishing Kit
The STOL CH 750 airframe kit (edition 3, with taller cabin height) comes with all kit parts to build the airframe: The kit includes the factory riveted wing spars, pre-formed sheet-metal parts (ribs, skins, etc.), factory-welded parts, standard fuel system (dual wing tanks), controls, and hardware required for assembly of the airframe. Skins and most parts are supplied CNC pre-cut and pilot-hole match-drilled! The Airframe Kit includes the Drawings and Manuals for assembly. The Finishing Kit includes the items to complete the aircraft, including the spring gear, wheels with hydraulic disk brakes, the formed windshield, “swing-up” clear bubble doors, seats and seat belts, electric flaps and trim motors, hardware, and more. STOL CH 750 Parts Catalog: Overview of Kit (pdf document) Not included: firewall-forward powerplant and instruments packages, paint, and upholstery. Crating and shipping charges are extra.
STOL CH 750 - Airframe Kit: Consultar
STOL CH 750 - Finishing Kit: Consultar
Total do Kit Completo Consultar
STOL CH 750 - "Quick Build Kit" Fuselage Assembly (Additional price): Consultar
You may choose to purchase sections of the complete kit to 'buy-as-you-build' (instead of ordering the complete airframe kit as a single package). The Plans and Manuals must be purchased separately. Individual parts and components are also available scratch builders or as replacement parts.
Manuais Consultar
WINGS KIT (Kit asas). Consultar
TAIL KIT (Cauda) Consultar
FUSELAGE KIT (fuselagem). Consultar
CONTROLS KIT (controles). Consultar
FUEL SYSTEM KIT (Comprar junto às asas). Consultar
FINISHING KIT (Veja mais informações acima). Consultar
Total dos Kits em Partes Consultar
Thanks to the long list of standard equipment included in the kit, there are few additional options needed or recommended. Most options are available as a retrofit.
Kit Completo - (As ferramentas podem ser adquiridas individualmente)
ELECTRIC TRIM TAB KIT (Elevator) Standard
Streamlined Wing Struts Fairing Kit Standard
LED NAV / STROBE/POSITION LIGHT KIT AeroLED: Pair of wingtip mounted three-in-one combination navigation / strobe and position lights (includes mounting hardware). Available as retrofit. Click here for details Consultar
LED LANDING LIGHT KIT (price each) AeroLED: Super-bright landing light mounts inside the wing leading edge slat. Available as retrofit. Order two (02) for wig-wag capability. Click here for details Consultar
DUAL CONTROL STICKS OPTION This option replaces the standard "Y" center stick with dual control sticks. Click here for details Consultar
MICRO VORTEX GENERATORS for ELEVATOR Install these new vortex generators on the bottom of the elevator for even slower approach speeds. Kit includes everything you need to install the VGs to a new or existing STOL CH 750. Click here for details Consultar
ADJUSTABLE SEATS KIT Seat rails make each seat adjustable (to maximize on leg room) and to facilitate access to the cabin.Click here for details Consultar
MAP BOX KIT This map box kit mounts in the instrument panel for easy access. Kit includes hardware and latch. Consultar
CENTER CONSOLE KIT Center console option mounts below the panel; approx. 4.75" wide. Consultar
LONG RANGE WING TANKS KIT (PAIR) This kit option increases the fuel capacity (and range) of the aircraft to a total of 30 US Gallons (2 x 15). Consultar
UPHOLSTERY KIT (basic) This is an attractive upholstery kit, as installed in the Zenith factory demonstrator aircraft; Grey.View Photo. Consultar
TOW-BAR KIT New tow-bar kit for easy ground maneuvering of the airplane. Snaps on the nosegear strut assembly. Retrofit. Click here for image. Consultar
TUNDRA TIRES (Pair, upgrade price) Larger Aero-Classic "Tundra" tires replace the standard tires and fit the 6-inch wheels supplied in the Finishing Kit (see above). The price is theadditional cost for two (2) larger tires for the main gear. Order with the Finishing Kit. Consultar
FOLDING WINGS KIT Fold back the wings for storage or trailering. (The standard wings are easy to detach). Available as a retrofit. Click here for photos and details Consultar
CABIN HEATER KIT Exhaust shroud provides effective cabin heat. Includes heater on/off valve and panel mounted push-pull control. Order with the engine package. Order with engine / firewall-forward kit
Instrument Panel and Avionics: Dynon, Garmin and more... We now stock most items to help builders complete their own custom panel, including Dynon and Garmin systems, as well as the power distribution panel and Approach Systems "plug'n play" harnesses and hub. Details. Sample Panel Layouts. Entre em contato para mais detalhes
ZENAIRTM FLOATS, WITH RIGGING Add a new dimension to flying with all-metal floats developed specifically for the STOL CH 750. #1400 Zenair LSA Floats include rigging to the STOL CH 750. III. Retrofit. Available straight floats or amphibious floats. Available basic kit or pre-drilled kit, or factory assembled (ready to install). Entre em contato para mais detalhes
Vejam a listagem dos componentes padrão “standard equipment” que são inclusos no kit, existe algumas alterações a serem feitas nos acessórios opcionais. Compre os opcionais junto ao respectivo kit, evitando dificuldades de montagem.
Complete Kit (Airframe + Finishing Kit)
Caixa de aproximadamente. 4.12 m. x 1.2 m. x .76 m., 385 kg.
Partes (kits individuais):
WINGS KIT Consultar
TAIL KIT Consultar
